Idaho Real Estate Commission
For Live Course Presentations Attendance Policy
1. Regular attendance means 100% attendance at all sessions of a live (including courses taught by alternative delivery methods.) The Commission obligates instructors and course providers to monitor student attendance and strictly enforce this attendance policy.
A certified instructor or course provider may have his/its certification withdrawn for failure to enforce the 100% attendance policy at all course offerings.
2. Use of any electronic devices is not permitted during class time unless required as part of the course. This includes texting, checking messages, incoming and outgoing calls, or any activities not related to the instruction of the course content.

3. Students will engage in professional behavior and maintain a professional demeanor while attending classes. This includes dressing appropriately for the classroom environment at all times. All students are expected to interact with others in a way that promotes and enhances learning for all.
4. Students have the right to express themselves and participate freely in classes. However, they are expected to be courteous and respectful. Offensive or inappropriate language is not to be used in any form of communication. Students are allowed to disagree with each other or the instructor but must do so in a civil manner.

5. A student who misses any portion (even a few minutes) of a pre-license course may, at the discretion of the instructor and provider, complete make-up work to satisfy the 100%attendance requirement. Make-up work is allowed ONLY for pre-license courses and MUST be completed for all portions of the course the student does not attend. Make-up work is defined as one or more of the following:
- Extra homework or other assignment given by the instructor (assignment cannot duplicate material already presented in a portion of class attended and must relate to subject matter the student missed)
- Attendance in the corresponding class session(s) in a subsequent offering of the same course or
- Supervised presentation of an audio or video recording of the class session(s) missed.
Students may meet this requirement either by completing additional work OR by attending the portion of class they missed in later class offerings but are not obligated to complete both. A student who does not complete the required make-up work within 90 days of the scheduled course completion date for a pre-license course may not receive credit for the course.
Idaho Real Estate Commission
For Live Course Presentations Attendance Policy
Regular attendance means 100% attendance at all sessions of a live (including courses taught by alternative delivery methods.) The Commission obligates instructors and course providers to monitor student attendance and strictly enforce this attendance policy. A certified instructor or course provider may have his/its certification withdrawn for failure to enforce the 100% attendance policy at all course offerings. Use of any electronic devices is not permitted during class time unless required as part of the course. This includes texting, checking messages, incoming and outgoing calls, or any activities not related to the instruction of the course content.
A student who misses any portion (even a few minutes) of a course taken for Post License or CE elective credit WILL NOT receive credit for the course unless the provider allows the student to attend the corresponding class session(s) in a subsequent offering of the same course. Students will engage in professional behavior and maintain a professional demeanor while attending classes. This includes dressing appropriately for the classroom environment at all times. All students are expected to interact with others in a way that promotes and enhances learning for all. Students have the right to express themselves and participate freely in classes. However, they are expected to be courteous and respectful. Offensive or inappropriate language is not to be used in any form of communication. Students are allowed to disagree with each other or the instructor but must do so in a civil manner.